Address race-specific challenges early on in the training cycle. “I wouldn’t risk injury in an effort to put in a specific number of miles or vertical gain,” he says. The 10K is a great race for runners of all skill levels, especially beginners looking to step into their first mass-participant event. However, realistic, specific, and properly scheduled training will grant you the fitness and confidence to tackle every leg of the event as solidly as the first.  It’s a fact that some of us just don’t have the time in our schedules for any form of cross training – but if you can squeeze in just an hour or two a week, the results will show themselves during your event. For ‘newbies’ or during early season training, the fast-finish portion can range from two to three miles. “This works best with a 5k, 10k, or half-marathon Saturday race,” suggests Howe.  A training plan takes any ‘decision fatigue’ out of the process. With a training plan, you can schedule days off for specific things, and move your training to suit. Marathon Handbook is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As I stood on the starting line of the 50k the next day looking up at Mugu Peak and the Backbone Trail’s steep, winding pathway, I could tell the energetic magic of the first day was gone. ... At a minimum, you should be running/ walking at least 3x per week to contemplate undertaking and starting the 24-week plan. These mileages should be considered a minimum for completing the race and running should take place on terrain that is similar to that of the chosen race. [Author’s Note: This is the first installment of a two-part series focused on multi-stage race training, strategy, and between-stage recovery fundamentals.]. Two back-to-back long runs of around 42km on consecutive days. It goes without saying—terrain and environmental specificity must be accounted for in your training build up. :  many people simply walk or march for the majority of a stage race. Instead, you’ve got to distribute your ‘A’ game over the span of a week or more. Here’s what I’ve learned that might help you prepare for your next multi-day experience. The plan also aims to keep you running with proper form even at the end of the race. For example, after a long run I’ll work outside in my garden, ride my bike, do house errands, go to yoga, and take my dog out for a hike. If you were to do another, how would you change your training, knowing what you know now? In the training schedule below we suggest a soft 4 weeks workout plan to approach Trail Running, theoretically adequate to a starting level. Update Feb, 2013: … ULTRAMARATHON TRAINING PLANS. At least one 50km run (preferably 60-70km). Ensure your gear functions properly in the sand, mud, water, and/or snow. Jacob Puzey, a coach with McMillan Running and a solo and team-division competitor at TransRockies, agrees. A typical 250K (155-mile) stage race organizes its stages with marathon-length runs for Stages 1 – 4, a 50-miler on Stage 5 (usually followed by a rest day), … Each outing during that day would only be about 60 – 90 minutes (all I had time for) but I found it more effective than doing a single 2 – 3 hour outing for that day.  It makes you much less injury prone and will improve your performance. ... Running Your First 50K: Everything you Need to Know About Race Day. Training Volume A tricky topic, but here is a recommended approach. Lots of good advice in here! We recommend that you spend at least two of your training sessions a month working on improving your skills on a more technically challenging ride. I work on the strength and speed elements once a week, and do long endurance work (e.g. U.S. mountain-running champion Nicole Hunt sums it up as follows: olster muscle power, increase muscle glycogen, muscle repair, freshen the mind, fine-tune the neural network so that it’s working the most efficiently, and most importantly, eliminate the risk of overtraining where it could slow the athlete down the most . If you’ve recently signed up for a bike tour, stage race, or other multi-day cycling event you might be unsure about how best to prepare. Once an athlete has the confidence and conditioning, faster running during training can translate to big strength and efficiency gains on the trails and roads. If you have any questions or comments about the training plan, please let me know (. Coach’s Note: Depending on the athlete’s experience, age, injury history, and goals, the last eight to 10 weeks of the schedule can be shifted to allow for more or less recovery after the earlier ultra and between the tough back-to-back (-to-back) long runs. All you need to do is go that way. Stage-races are more than just a running experience. Ian Torrence has completed more than 200 ultramarathons, with 50+ wins, since his first ultra finish at the 1994 JFK 50 Mile.  I’ve scheduled the longest weekly runs for Saturdays, and a shorter run for Sundays. Reply. “On Sunday, get out for a long run. Successful with new runners, experienced athletes, Boston qualifiers and even Olympians, McMillan Running has helped over 10 million runners train smarter and race faster. This plan is best for anyone who can follow the training schedule with little help and does not need workout or race analysis. That’s why it’s no surprise that 10K is one of the most popular race distances. Tagged: how to train, multi-stage, multi-stage training, Stage Race, stage race training, stage race training plan, training, Your email address will not be published. Ultimate Direction Ultra Pant & Jacket V2, Ultimate Direction Ultralight Tee and Hydro Short, Complete back-to-back runs in very close proximity to mimic accumulating race weariness. Stage Race Training Plan For a Multi-Day Ultramarathon. You’ll loosen up and you’ll remember how to run.” In my case it was trial by fire. These are each 12 week plans.  Each week of your taper you should decrease your weekly mileage by 20-35%. Participants of the six-day TransRockies Run deal with the lung-sucking altitude of the Colorado Rockies. TRR is run in two-person teams with both team members needing to finish each stage together. The plan targets your core muscles- hips, glutes, abdominal muscles, and hamstrings since those are areas runners are commonly weak in that often lead to running injuries. “I wouldn’t worry about the numbers, but focus on the process and about running on terrain similar to what I’ll encounter in the stage race. What are the goals of my running training? “It’s important to simulate in-race stresses without overworking yourself in training,” says Eric Senseman, a coach at Good Sense Running and who, along with partner Brian Condon, won the 2015 TransRockies six-day open men’s race. Finally follow the stage race plan. 10K. 06/12/2018 ... How to train for a hilly race – the exercises and training plans to help you stay running strong. “Avoid too many or late-season ultras,” cautions Rene Unser, a Canadian endurance athlete, founder of P.A.C.E. Thomas Watson is an ultra-runner, UESCA-certified running coach, and the founder of While I am a certified exercise physiologist and RRCA running coach, and have designed this training plan with safety in mind, you should understand that when participating in a 50 mile training program, there is the possibility of physical injury. You can also subscribe without commenting. Ensure your gear functions properly in the sand, mud, water, and/or snow. Then progress on to the Build, Race and Peak plan to build speed and climbing strength. I’ve scheduled two cross training days per week, and one rest day per week. “The key to this is doing these runs with less than 12 hours recovery between workouts,” says Howe. The training plan is over six months, so starts off quite lightly (3-4 10km runs per week). What should be your peak mileage during training? He likes running interesting races and good beer. This plan is developed for those running their first 100 mile ultramarathon with the goal of finishing the race. I was wondering where to find the mentioned installment on multi-day race strategy and between-stage recovery techniques? “They require a proper taper and recovery and this will chew up the better portion of three weeks to a month. For an event of this magnitude, showing up to the start line healthy, uninjured and, perhaps, slightly undertrained can have huge advantages. Coach’s Note: Training for and racing more than one ultra in the training cycle can be detrimental to the outcome of the stage race. No matter how much training one does and how well their nutrition and race plan is executed, there are going to be patches where you’re feeling flat and tired. I turned to friend and race director Chris Scott and asked him how I was supposed to run 31 more miles.  Say, for example, you are following the 10% rule. It is important to slowly progress into these workouts, especially for those inexperienced with high mileage, by starting with relatively short back-to-backs during the pre-season months and building on those as the event approaches. I try to not stop moving.  You can also plan out how you are going to taper, schedule in rest days, your cross training, etc. Those who are reluctant to test their mettle for the first time in a race-like environment can experiment instead with a laid-back version of stage racing. Easy pace should be enjoyable, and you should be running at about 50-60% effort level. “Arrive rested to the starting line,” shares Meghan Hicks, the winner of the 2013 Marathon des Sables and Senior Editor at iRunFar. “If you start training early enough you’ll have time to adapt and modify your training plan accordingly.  This is called running “doubles” – doing back-to-back long runs to get your body used to running long distances on tired legs. When you’re in training for an event, free time to train can be a luxury in-between everything else in life – and actual running will always be the most important form of training. Masters 40+ Cross Country Build Peak and Race Training Plan Masters 40+ MTB 5-7 day Stage Race Training Plan. Recovery before and after these efforts, when little to no running will be done, will be paramount. – Mileage. Stay tuned for next month’s installment on multi-day race strategy and between-stage recovery techniques. This is abdominal strength improvement, which you can do at home and which will help condition you for the race. Run and hike with the exact pack, clothing, and shoes you will wear during the race.  To me, this is a mistake – I can only speak from my own experience, but I’ve found that following a strength training programme really helped my endurance in the latter stages of my stage races. Start the Base plan in December, 36 weeks out from Breck Epic. The benefit of ultra training includes relatively high training volume, refining an effective race-day fueling routine, and mentally dealing with long days on the trail or road—components necessary for a successful multi-day finish. Designed for the time-impoverished among us (i.e., all of us), this training plan will build you up gradually and safely from 5K to 10K – on just three runs per week. Instead, modify the allocation of weekly volume with an emphasis on the long runs and back-to-back (-to-back) weekends and, depending on the experience level of the athlete, a mid-week effort. Being a little overtired or over-trained magnifies negatively during a week or more of racing.”, Twenty-four weeks of tough, consistent training will accumulate justifiable training stress. 8-week 10K training plan on 3 runs. When the Magic Wears Off My introduction to multi-day racing was at the 1997 Mugu 50/50 near Oxnard, California. For example, an athlete preparing for a stage race with sub-ultra distances (like TransRockies) should endeavor to complete a 50k, while those training for events that have ultra-distanced legs (like Marathon des Sables or the 3 Days of Syllamo) should choose a 50 mile. Do a long continuous run of 60-70km (say 80% of the longest stage of your race). Each runner will have his or her own ‘sweet spot’ for determining peak weekly mileage and time on feet that doesn’t leave the athlete injured or burned out. Ian and his wife, Emily, are online coaches at Sundog Running.  These should decrease in length significantly – if you peaked at 30 miles, then your next long run should be around 20 miles, then 12 miles, then an 8 miler a week before the race. The legs will be sore and respond slowly to any acceleration or hard effort during this fatigued state and this is what it’s going to be like near the end of your first five+ day stage race. Our MTB Stage Race Training Plans are ready to go, pre-packaged and $99.00 each. Setting out to finish a multi-day race can be a formidable test of one’s will and endurance. His work has been featured in Runner's World,, MapMyRun, and many other running publications. Back-to-Back or Back-to-Back-to-Back Long Runs Piggybacking long runs has proven effective for athletes preparing for stage races as it mimics amassing stage-race fatigue. It’s one of the most brutal things you can do to yourself, but great for building confidence and learning how to work through fatigue.”, Incorporate speed and stamina workouts. However, training for one can be tricky, especially when you have zero running experience. During peak training for the Grand to Grand Ultra self-supported stage race (which I did in 2012 and 2014), in addition to weekend back-to-backs, I incorporated two-a-days at least once midweek. I’ve put together a six month stage race training plan which you can. Ultramarathon Training: A Guide to Everything, Where the Road Ends: A Guide to Trail Running, Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons, 100 Mile Specialist Krissy Moehl Takes on Stage Racing, A Guide To Your Best Stage-Race Performance, Part 2: Recovery and Strategy, TransRockies Run: Training for a Stage Race, A training plan allows you to structure your mileage increases. “For example, I might run 18 miles at a moderate effort on the first day, a 20-mile run with a some faster running in the middle or end on the second day, and then a 15-mile run at a taxing finishing effort on the third day–all on similar terrain as the upcoming stage race.” Just as the name implies, the goal is to finish fast or with a high level of perceived effort. Two Week Training Block- to prepare for your first five+ day stage race This is a basic guideline with some key workouts detailed. The techniques and types of training runs in this trail marathon training plan should, in some ways, also apply for 10km, 21km (half marathons), 30km, and 50km races too – the main differences will be the distances and ‘time-on-feet’ for each training run. It’s always surprising how few distance runners actually cross train – many just get up and run, maybe with a few minimal stretches. In order to manage the aches and pains that may develop, Unser reminds her athletes to develop a consistent self-care routine—one that employs massage, strengthening, stretching, foam rolling, and chiropractic treatments such as Active Release Therapy and Graston. The low-key event required runners to cover 50 mountainous miles on day one and follow that the next morning with a similarly rugged 50k. We’ve got you covered. Have you run a multi-day stage race? One of the main challenges of a self-supported multi-stage race is learning to run efficiently with a heavy rucksack so Sandes completed all his long training runs with a pack. ... 6 Reasons to Run a Stage Race. Tag Archives: training plan for a stage race Multi-Day Training Plans : 12-Week and 24-Week.  However, you should still use some of the activities discussed below to build up your base hiking fitness – for example, you should get used to doing a long hike every week in order to build up your endurance, and do ‘doubles’ (two hikes on two consecutive days) so your body gets used to moving on worn-out legs. The NTC App has a massive array of workouts for every fitness level, plus the Nike Performance Council’s tips on training, nutrition, recovery, and sleep. Powered by McMillan Running. Run two back-to-back marathons on consecutive days.  The one exception to this is the long runs on Saturdays, which I have given set distances to cover – this is to ensure you reach the criteria of completing certain distances in preparation. The first day’s effort went well as I was rested and excited to explore new trails and vistas in the Santa Monica Mountains. Learn how your comment data is processed. The following training plan is designed for educational purposes, and is not a prescribed training plan for any particular individual.  When it comes to stage races, it’s not such a big deal (unless you are aiming for a podium place, that is). Then the afternoon outing would be a combo of easy-pace running and hiking, sometimes with a weighted vest or pack to simulate pack training, and it would be a mellow effort to cultivate patience and acclimate to heat.  You don’t need to focus so hard on running during your training. If so, how did you fine tune your training for its rigors? 1st Month Week 1: Tue / Thu – 20/30 Minutes running (asphalt or gravel); Sat or Sun 1h on a trail track walking uphill, running slowly on the flat and downhill Ultramarathon Training Six-plus-day events or races with multiple ultra legs aren’t for everyone. Fast-Finish Long Runs These workouts make you a stronger runner, build your confidence, and become race-day habit forming. A single day of racing is tough, but imagine stacking a series of those maximal efforts together for six or more days in a row. Posted on February 2, 2021 by talkultra. This depends on a lot of factors, mainly how fit you were when you started training, how much time you have to train, and what condition you want to be in at the start line. This significantly ups the ante, doesn’t it? Nike Training Club. – Conditions. Events like the 500-kilometer long Vol State Road Race, 260-mile Race Across Georgia or the quintessential example of multi-day racing extremity, the Trans-America Footrace, require competitors to run across states or from coast to coast by covering ultra distances daily, on asphalt, for up to two months straight. Balance these quick efforts between the obligatory long-run-specific weekends and their subsequent recoveries. I’ve assumed a taper of 4 weeks. Practice on mountainous terrain with trekking poles.  I cover this a little more in the, There should be various elements to your run training, in order for you to strengthen your running base and build up your mileage – here are the important ones. are we talking actual multi-day races too or just races? The workout begins at normal long-run pace but the effort and/or pace is increased toward the end. Stephanie Howe, a two-time TransRockies finisher and coach with a PhD in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, calls these “cluster runs.” “After work on Friday I’d do one to two hours, then Saturday morning another three to four hours, and then on Sunday two to three hours,” she says. To build up a strong running endurance base that allows you to cross long distances with minimal issues or injuries. For those who enjoy recording and studying their work-outs, training plans are great. Ultimately, if you get to the race healthy you have a much greater likelihood of success.”, Within-Training-Cycle Recovery Although each athlete’s preparations may differ from the next, successful multi-day racers share one common philosophy. Each plan is delivered online via the TrainingPeaks website and mobile app. “By the time I got to Sunday I’d be fried, but it gave me confidence that I could run on tired legs.” Space your back-to-back sessions two to three weeks apart to allow for proper recovery. Trail Marathon Training Plan: Train Hard, Race Easy. Your weekends will be busy. Stage Racing Training Schedule The table below uses the above training components and provides a suggested structure for an ideal multi-day stage race lead-in. Ricks recommends first-time stage racers follow a workout regime that looks something like this: Four Weeks Out. Running 100km is never going to be easy but the experiencecan be enjoyed and the chances of failure reduced with a specific training plan.  I personally have found that working out in the gym has had a significant impact on my endurance, which helps a lot when you’re several hours into the long day of a stage race. More at, Many runners neglect cross training, or any kind of strength training. Working with the Nike Training Club App is a great way to round out your fitness regimen.   Note that I haven’t included any kind of interval training or tempo work – you can include these if you wish, but. Run with your teammate. “All the elements of traditional endurance training remain critical.”. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The 50K training leads up to the 50-Mile training which leads up to the 100-Mile training so in a perfect world you will have completed a recent 50-Miler followed by a 4-6 week recovery period before starting the 100-Mile training. ‘ newbies ’ or during early season training, knowing what you know now all... “ all the elements of traditional endurance training remain critical. ” which will condition... Information about his coaching services can be a formidable test of one’s will and endurance strength,! Together a six month stage race multi-day training plans are great little help does... Days, your cross training days per week, and many other running publications running the Gore-Tex TransAlpine-Run contend... Challenging that could lead to injury that could lead to injury for any particular individual coming! 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