Fortunately, most of the time, your cat can be enticed to at least take a few bites when you learn what to feed a cat that won’t eat. Cats have unique nutritional needs, with the taurine found in meat particularly critical. The problem with food allergies is that it can take days or weeks for the problems to manifest. A tuna or cold wet cat food can be hated in the microwave for a few seconds to enhance its flavor. Cats feel the same way. Surgery is sometimes needed to remove the offending item, so call your veterinarian right away if you suspect that your kitten has eaten something they shouldn’t have or if their decreased appetite is also accompanied by vomiting. If your kitten has a stuffy nose, it will be harder for them to smell their food, and they may not eat as a result. If your cat stops eating and also has these symptoms, take them to the vet immediately: There are many treatment options for loss of appetite, but the treatment depends on the cause. Drinking lots of water tends to result in further vomiting with the risk of dehydration. I don't think most vets push selling these products just to make money. When it comes to the communication between cats and their owners, things don’t go so smoothly and the situation gets even worse when there is a health issue with the pet. But you can help get your cat off on the right paw by establishing regular feeding routines. It can be hard to tell a picky eating episode from a serious health issue. Kidney issues tend to show up in older cats or cats who have other health issues like high blood pressure, a hereditary disease, or cancer. If your cat has started to turn their nose up at their usual wet food, it could be because it’s too cold. One last consideration for cats who are ’fussy eaters’; there … Assemble All the Necessary Tools. For some cats, if their bowl is not filled to a certain level, they start to inform you of their impending starvation. Cats are much less likely to finish their food if it is old, stale, or cold. Contact your veterinarian for specific recommendations. Many times, this is a response to major changes in the household, or possibly the death of a family member or fellow pet. After all, there is something primal about fresh meat and that might speak to their instincts. Cats that don’t eat–and many don’t when they’re made to eat new food–can develop serious health problems. If you really want to go all out, seafood varieties of wet, canned food are the ticket! Losing a beloved family member, whether animal or human, can cause some cats to stop eating due to anxiety or depression. Is any cat food fit for human consumption? Give … The bad news is that when it does happen, you and your cat are in for a long day; you of worry and your cat of some stomach pain and discomfort. Upper respiratory infections are not unusual in kittens and can cause decreased appetite due to nasal congestion, fever, or fatigue. It can be hard to tell a picky eating episode from a serious health issue. My cat is 17 yrs.old she won’t eat,so I’ve tryed giving her chicken ,cut up in small pieces,not interested! Top Cat. When your stomach hurts or you feel nauseous, you don’t want to eat either. If your cat seems to have trouble eating, then it may be time to transition from dry food to wet ones. Choose a high protein dry food if your cat won’t eat wet food. Feed him too much, and he'll get fat. Unlike dogs, cats are very difficult to please with food. Tweak your cat's wet food to entice it to eat again. Illnesses such as cancer, kidney and liver problems, and especially gastrointestinal health issues can seriously change your cat’s eating habits. Kittens have been known to eat string, tinsel, hair ties, and other objects that can get stuck in their stomach or small intestines. Moisten the Food. If you notice your cat’s eating behaviors change, you can get in touch with your veterinarian right away to figure out what the problem is. As in kittens, upper respiratory infections can cause loss of appetite in adult cats. If your kitten won’t eat for more than a day or two, call your veterinarian to schedule an exam. Cats have emotions too, and there can be several emotional or behavioral causes of loss of appetite. Regardless of whether they eat alone, at a certain time, or throughout the day, cats love to eat. If your cat isn’t sick and is simply being stubborn … In the middle of the summer, when it’s hot and all you want to do is stay cool, it can be hard to eat. Essentially, they need to eat meat (or some kind of protein) to protect themselves from starving. If your cat suddenly stops eating, take stock of his condition and his behavior to see whether he might be exhibiting other symptoms and then take him to the vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions. So, here are a few different reasons that make a cat less inclined to eat: Yes, just like humans, cats can suffer from Anorexia. As lay-kitties (we’re not vets, so please don’t think we’re prescribing anything), we’d suggest feeding … Feed a sleepy kitty. Cats can get backed up and have tummy troubles just like the rest of us. So, if your cat has a cold and can’t smell, or is losing their sense of smell, they may lose their appetite. So it’s been a year now and I’ve always given him dry food … What should I do? Jennifer Coates, DVM. Hi my cat will eat but wont drink what should I do . Why won’t my cat eat enough? Tracy Moser March 13, 2018. They … Put a bit of food on your finger and allow the cat to lick it; he will most likely start to eat from the bowl. Now, a cat will eat less, or flat out refuse to eat for many reasons. How similar are fast food and cat food chicken products? ), bone broth, and meat-based baby food. Feeding your cat a high-quality cat food is extremely important but it won’t do your cat any good if he doesn’t eat it. Encourage your cat to eat small, frequent meals of a palatable, high energy, highly digestible food. Never attempt to force feed a cat, Mosenco cautions. The good news is that it isn’t that abnormal. Here are some reasons why your kitten may not be eating their food. Talk to your veterinarian before switching your cat’s food. Or, you can also offer your cat some canned tuna, canned chicken, or canned kitten food… Share this: Cats cannot go long periods of time without food. Try heating up cold wet cat food or tuna for a few seconds in the microwave. Then just sleeps! Advice. Prepare something along the lines of chicken soup for your cat. In summation, as you can see, there are many different reasons why your cat won’t eat. Why is my cat not eating? And if your cat is not eating, you need to find out the cause. Joined Apr 28, 2005 Messages 3,241 Reaction score 2 Location St Thomas, Ontario. If you notice any of the following symptoms, call your veterinarian: While some infections are viral and may not need medication, antibiotics are sometimes needed to resolve an infection and help your kitten feel better. 2. Don’t hide medications in your cat’s food. If your vet determines that your cat is healthy, but is just a picky eater, follow these tips: Try feeding your cat foods with different textures, flavors, or shapes, and make sure to warm up wet foods if they have been refrigerated. Buy only as much dry food as your cat will eat in a month, as some foods will go stale or become rancid if the package has been open for more than a month. If your cat won’t eat, some causes may be evident through a vet’s physical exam of your cat, while others may require diagnostic tests like blood work or x-rays. When it is too hot, they would rather not eat. Some sick cats can be encouraged to eat more by hand feeding. Hopefully, this will override their current issue enough to allow them to get some food in them. If your cat refuses to dine, it may be that he just isn't hungry. When cats don’t feel too good, they usually stop eating and will grow worse in the coming days. If this happens, you may need to rely more heavily on wet foods, especially those that have strong aromas. Therefore, when your cat won’t eat you will notice. I dilute it with water so that it will squirt out of a syringe (not a needle) and wrap the cat up tight in a towel and sit her in my lap. The natural curiosity of kittens sometimes gets them into trouble. At the rescue we have a young male cat named Jake that refuses to eat any kinds of cat food. Alternatively, feed your cat a feline soup or broth. Dry foods that are high in protein and/or fiber can be fed to cats that are picky and will only eat dry food. Here are a few key symptoms of depression: This is a horrible thought for any pet parent. Adult cats, especially those that are overweight, can develop a serious disease called hepatic lipidosis if they stop eating, so prompt action is important. Most importantly, if your cat is getting thin and not eating well, she should have a complete veterinary exam to rule out any possible disease problems. If your cat has always eaten normally, you haven't changed its diet and it suddenly stopped eating, the most recommendable thing to do is to take it to the vets so it can be checked-up. However, you can improve water intake by … It may require some ingenuity and trial and error to discover what your cat is willing to eat if a food aversion develops. While it is probably not the tastiest treat, it might help them get some food down, which can give them the strength to get better. Offer wet food and dry food with different textures and shapes (pâté, stew, broth, triangular kibble, round kibble, etc.). When you have a toothache the last thing you would want to eat is hard kibble and your cat feels the same way. A cat that won’t eat can be a serious problem and it’s up to you to help your cat before that problem gets any worse. Other Food Issues. An … Human Food and Cats – what’s safe to share? Automated cat feeding bowls can be useful for people who are not at home during the daytime and for those cats who prefer to eat little and often overnight (eg Pet Mate Automated Feeder). Symptoms include: loss of weight, fatigue and weakness, muscle wasting and a significant loss of appetite. I have a 12 y/o cat that won't eat canned food anymore. A change in your cat's routine is a concern for pet parents, but figuring out why your cat is suddenly snubbing her food and learning how to get her to eat …