Participants were screened by self-report for the presence of ADHD, seizures, and other neuropsychiatric disorders prior to study enrollment. The validity of one such computerized test battery, the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT), was administered to 93 healthy NCAA Division I athletes, aged 18–24, along with a battery of traditional, well-described neuropsy-chological tests. Accordingly, validation studies aim to accrue convergent evidence supportive ofscore meaning and its action implications as well as discriminant evidence discounting plausible rival interpretations. If a method measures what it claims to measure, and the results closely correspond to real-world values, then it can be considered valid. There is something inside people that drives them to help others. The present results show some interesting similarities, however, with those reported by Schatz and Putz (2006). Convergent validity tests that constructs that are expected to be related are, in fact, related. Future research will be necessary to address that possibility. Michael P. McDonald, in Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 2005. Convergent validity was evaluated through the pattern of correlations between the MSLSS and a self-concept measure (Self Description Questionnaire-I; Marsh, 1990). Also, more comprehensive traditional neuropsychological battery would provide more information about more subtle sources of content discrepancies than was possible with the brief battery we selected for time efficiency. With respect to its convergence with traditional measures of visual memory and learning, in the MTMM, weak but statistically significant correlations with BVMT-R Total and Delayed Recall scores lend limited support for convergent validity in this domain. Based upon the present findings, validity problems render the interpretability of the ImPACT composites somewhat questionable, and more research is necessary prior to using the ImPACT for assessment of clinical populations. For example in achievement testing, one measures, using points, how much knowledge a Strengths include easy implementation, the inclusion of reaction time measures (Erlanger et al., 2003), the Visual Motor Speed Composite’s relatively strong construct validity (Erlanger et al., 2003), and the relatively strong convergent validity (but weak discriminant and construct validity) of the Verbal Memory composite score. Divergent or Discriminant validity Tests that constructs should have no relationship do, in fact, not have any relationship. Component 4 has a moderate positive loading on the ImPACT Reaction Time score (0.409) and loadings of minimal strength on all other ImPACT composites, suggesting relatively good discriminative validity. Two types of Construct validity by Campbell & Fiske (1959) 1.Convergent validity. Not only should the construct correlate with related variables but it should not correlate with dissimilar, unrelated ones. There are few validated traditional neuropsychological measures of reaction time for clinical use, and none were included in the present traditional testing battery due to time constraints and as a result it was not possible to evaluate the convergent validity of this test. Iverson et al. Validity data for the SIRS-2 classification rules are also provided, and the manual reports sensitivity of .80 and specificity of .98, with an overall correct classification of 91% for a validation sample. Second, a validity diagonal value should be higher than the val-ues lying in its column and row in the heterotrait-heteromethod triangles. In the first (Iverson, Lovell, & Collins, 2005), modest-to-strong correlations for Verbal Memory (r = 0.37), Visual Memory (r = 0.46), and Reaction Time (r = 0.60) were found between ImPACT composite scores and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, a traditional neuropsychological measure of information processing speed. If a research project scores highly in these areas, then the overall test validity is high. In addition to visual motor response speed, however, the ImPACT Visual Motor Speed composite score is described as evaluating learning and memory and visual processing (ImPACT Technical Manual, 2012; see also Table 1). By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Computerized tests may be better suited to assess subtle changes in reaction time, with ease of administration and rapid scoring adding to the appeal of fully computerized neuropsychological measures (Broglio et al., 2007). The most liberal and conservative members of the legislative parties tend to vote strongly with their party while those in the ideological center may occasionally cross over and vote with the other side. As can be seen in Table 3, the ImPACT Visual Motor Speed composite score was significantly correlated with the WAIS-IV Symbol Search and Coding scores, subtests that may readily be construed as measures of visual motor processing speed. Trails A was also shown to differentiate between individuals with and without brain damage (Reitan, 1955, 1958; Robbins, 2008). Correlations would be expected to be high if ImPACT assesses the same construct as traditional neuropsychological measures, thereby demonstrating convergent validity. Lastly, although there was no mean difference in the present sample between athletes with a history of concussion and those without, a future direction for this research might involve assessment of test validity in samples with remote history of concussion or in those with acute concussion symptoms. Reliability and validity are some of the crucial issues that are involved in conducting psychological testing. All of these findings indicate relatively strong convergent validity for the Verbal Memory Composite score with tests of verbal memory. Convergent validity is obtained in one of two ways.-We show that a test measures the same things as other tests used for the same purpose. The present analyses also revealed substantial problems in the convergent and discriminant validity among the ImPACT composite scores, indicating poor construct validity of all but the ImPACT Visual Motor Speed composite scores. In the fields of psychological testing and educational testing, "validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests". Concurrent validity and predictive validity are the two types of criterion-related validity. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Intercorrelations between the ImPACT Composite Scores are also summarized in Table 3. Convergent validity refers to the extent to which a test measures the same thing as other tests purported to measure that construct (i.e. Related terms: Test-Retest Reliability; Factor Analysis; Criterion Validity; Discriminant Validity; Predictive Validity; Rating Scale The use of the highest cut score tended to over-identify infants (18–37 percent). The information age provides the fingertips of researchers with numerous measures developed by other researchers developed in the course of their inquiry. However, this possibility is also considered dubious, as all researchers were trained to competence, and all test scoring was done blind to participant identity. Together, these findings suggest that the ImPACT Visual Motor Speed composite score has relatively strong content validity, and lend support to the findings of the multitrait-multimethod analysis of this score having relatively good convergent validity. Krabbe, in The Measurement of Health and Health Status, 2017. In conclusion, the ImPACT has distinct strengths and weaknesses with regard to the sample of cognitive abilities it purports to assess (Nelson et al., 2016) and more research is necessary to conclusively establish the validity of the battery. When a new psychological test is developed to measure a theoretical construct, it is critical that the test have adequate construct validity, which means that the test indeed measures the construct of interest. EFA indicated content validity of moderate strength for the Visual Motor Speed and Visual Memory composites, but revealed problems with specificity for the other composites. Menon, S.T. Discriminant validity assumes that items should correlate higher among them than they correlate with other items from other constructs that are theoretically supposed not to correlate. Validity in Psychological Testing and Scientific Realism. The present study also assessed convergent validity between traditional neuropsychological tests and ImPACT composite scores, but it also included an evaluation of discriminant validity, allowing for appraisal of the construct validity of ImPACT composite scores. Participants were 93 NCAA Division I student-athlete volunteers who played on the men’s football, men’s soccer, and women’s soccer teams. It was found that the construct validity of ImPACT subtests was variable leading to the conclusion that more research is needed prior to ImPACT being used as a clinical assessment. Age was entered as a covariate in all analyses because neurodevelopmental changes continue to occur into early adulthood (Luciana et al., 2005) and age effects, even if non-significant, might bias any cognitive findings. Educational and Psychological Measurement 2004 64: 5 , 828-841 Download Citation. Revised on June 19, 2020. These strong intercorrelations are evidence in support of convergent validity. ImPACT domains and traditional neuropsychological measures were grouped into one of five categories based on common practice: Processing Speed, Executive Functions, Learning, Verbal Memory, and Visual Memory. The positive correlations with similar content scales were found between ZKPQ-50-CC and TCI-R scales: ImpSS and Novelty Seeking (0.50), N-Anx and Harm Avoidance (0.58), Sy and Reward Dependence (0.55), Act and Persistence (0.52), and ImpSS and Self-Transcendence (0.30). If you disagree strongly, indicate 1. (2010). COWAT has been shown to be able to differentiate between Alzheimer’s patients, patients with mild traumatic brain injuries, and control participants (Raskin & Rearick, 1996; Robbins, 2008). The finding that Component 1 also had strong loadings on Trails A (−0.742), Trails B (−0.792), WAIS-IV Coding (0.707), and WAIS-IV Symbol Search (0.590), all traditional neuropsychological measures that include a processing speed component, provides additional support for Component 1 as a measure of processing speed. Marco Weber, ... Kimberly J. The normal rules of inference are turned on their head. Both HVLT-R memory scores (Delayed Free Recall and Percent Retention) had moderate, but statistically significant correlations with the ImPACT Verbal Memory and Visual Motor Speed composite scores. While there were a priori expectations regarding which tests should show strong convergent and discriminant validity, there were no hypotheses rendered regarding the underlying factor structure. In particular, BVMT-R Delayed Recall scores were significantly correlated with traditional measures of executive functioning. However, it is not specifically related to one’s ability to remember and recall or recognize visual information. The answer is that they conduct research using the measure to confirm that the scores make sense based on their understanding of th… The validity of one such computerized test battery, the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT), was administered to 93 healthy NCAA Division I athletes, aged 18–24, along with a battery of traditional, well-described neuropsychological tests. If you agree strongly with a statement, indicate 6. Hence, the ImPACT Visual Motor Speed composite score was moderately positively correlated with all four traditional measures of processing speed associated with visual stimuli. During the 1980s, another shift in the conceptualization of validity emerged. Within the set of ImPACT composite scores, it was significantly correlated with the ImPACT Verbal Memory composite score suggesting possible problems with discriminant validity. The ImPACT Visual Memory composite score is purported to measure “visual processing, learning and memory, and visual motor response speed.” However, MTMM analysis showed that it was only weakly correlated with the BVMT-R Total Recall score, a measure of visual learning, and was unrelated to visual memory measures, the BVMT-R Delayed Recall and Recognition subtests. The convergent validity of the structural diagnosis has been supported in studies that show that measures of the structural diagnosis from the structural interview are positively correlated with related constructs such as DSM personality disorders diagnoses, personality pathology, and use of primitive defence mechanisms, as assessed by a variety of methods, such as structured interviews, batteries of psychological testing and self-report questionnaires (Armelius et al., 1990; Bauer et al., 1980; Carr et al., 1979; Kernberg et al., 1981; Kullgren, 1987; Lewis & Harder, 1991; Reich & Frances, 1984). There was a number of significant correlations between ImPACT Visual Motor and other tests in the four other domains that would not be expected (e.g. In contrast to verbal memory, neither BVMT-R Delayed Free Recall, nor Recognition scores significantly correlated with ImPACT Visual Memory. : Convergent validity tests that constructs that are expected to be related are, in fact, related. Kenneth N. Levy, ... Frank E. Yeomans, in Case Formulation for Personality Disorders, 2019. The science of psychometrics forms the basis of psychological testing and assessment, which involves obtaining an objective and standardized measure of the behavior and personality of the individual test taker. People help because they know others need them. Dr Thoma was supported by NIGMS COBRE # P20RR021938 (PI: Vince Calhoun, Ph.D.). 10. Combined with the pattern of loadings for Component 2, this result suggests that the ImPACT Verbal Memory composite has moderate content validity with regard to the verbal memory domain, but the lack of specificity indicates problems with divergent validity. Validity is a very fundamental concept in both measurement and psychology. Convergent and discriminant validity between the ImPACT and Ecological validity, in psychology, a measure of how test performance predicts behaviours in real-world settings.Although test designs and findings in studies characterized by low ecological validity cannot be generalized to real-life situations, those characterized by high ecological validity can be. scores on all tests of verbal memory should be highly correlated) and discriminant validity describes the extent to which a test does not measure other, unrelated constructs (i.e. The following statements concern what you think about how people relate to others and establish bonds with them. Is neuropsychological testing useful in the management of sport-related concussion? with several memory scores), suggesting a lack of discriminant validity. Monomethod-monotrait correlations examine the relationship between scores thought to assess the same construct using the same method. For very little, I prefer to solve my problems on my own. For example, Epstein and Mershon show how Segal and Cover measures developed to represent the political preferences of Supreme Court justices in civil liberties cases may not be valid for judicial processes outside of civil liberties. Convergent validity in short helps to establish construct validity when you use two different measurement procedures and research methods (e.g., participant observation and a survey) in data collection about a construct (e.g., anger, depression, motivation, task performance). scores on all tests of verbal memory should be highly correlated) and discriminant validity describes the extent to which a test does not measure other, unrelated constructs (i.e. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to explore the component structure underlying the test battery presented in Table 3. Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1999) ... (convergent validity) be higher for an untreated group than a group provided with anxiety reduction training (convergent validity) be unrelated to measures of subject interest, instructor ratings, one’s height or one’s weight (divergent validity) Example 1: Continued, Relations with Other Variablese. Symbol Search, a speeded test that also involves working memory, was also correlated with seven non-processing speed scores, although most of those measures were also speeded and/or required working memory. Borsboom et al. Notes: Items are rated on a 6-point scale ranging from: 1=Disagree strongly to 6=Agree strongly). The convergent validity is confirmed if the items of the intended scale show strong correlations. Confirmatory factor analysis showed distinct factors for agentic and communal items. Also, the friends-related subscale of the MSLSS showed the highest correlation with another measure of satisfaction with friendships (r=.56; Children’s Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Scale; Asher, Hymel, & Renshaw 1984), and the school-related subscale of the MSLSS showed the highest correlations with a measure on quality of school life (r=.68; Quality of School Life Scale; Epstein & McPartland, 1977). In psychology, discriminant validity tests whether concepts or measurements that are not supposed to be related are actually unrelated.. Campbell and Fiske (1959) introduced the concept of discriminant validity within their discussion on evaluating test validity.They stressed the importance of using both discriminant and convergent validation techniques when assessing new tests. 3099067 On the other hand, the ImPACT represents an important step in the advancement of computerized testing devised to improve the safety of athletes. Further evidence for poor discriminant validity were the correlations found between the Visual Motor Composite score and other ImPACT Composite scores. To build on research in this area, we examined the internal consistency and convergent validity of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) and the Personality Assessment Inventory European-Spanish (PAIE-S) version among bilingual Latin American Spanish-speakers (final n = 53). To do so, the multitrait-multimethod matrix (MTMM) method was employed as an efficient means of rendering convergent and discriminant features immediately discernible (Campbell & Fiske, 1959). Hence, EFA was implemented using principal component analysis (PCA) in SPSS and VARIMAX rotation was applied to maximize the interpretability of the resulting pattern of component loadings (Hill & Hughes, 2007). One limitation is our relatively small sample size, resulting in a population of athletes that was fairly homogeneous in terms of the sports that were represented. R. S. Balkin, 2008 11 1999 Standards ... Convergent and discriminant validity Descriptions of the individual ImPACT tests can be seen in Table 1, while Table 2 shows the derivations of the ImPACT Composite scores using the ImPACT tests. PCA revealed questionable content validity for the Visual Motor Speed composite, in that both the Visual Motor Speed and Reaction Time composite scores strongly loaded on the processing speed component (Table 4, Component 1). Convergent validity refers to how closely the new scale is related to other variables and other measures of the same construct. To help me perform physical tasks that are hard for me to do. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING: Psychological testing is the branch of psychology in which we use standardized tests, construct them in order to understand the individual differences. A second possible source of bias may be that whereas the ImPACT was administered precisely the same way (via computer) to each subject, the traditional neuropsychological tests were administered and scored by different researchers. Convergent validity refers to the degree of relatedness between tests that should be similar. For example, of those practitioners who employ computerized measures for concussion assessment, 93% use ImPACT (Guerriero et al., 2012). Alexander B. Siegling, ... K.V. Again, measurement involves assigning scores to individuals so that they represent some characteristic of the individuals. However, as previously noted, in the EFA, the Reaction Time composite score evinced a moderate loading on a component that was most strongly related to traditional tests of processing speed, and strongly loaded on the ImPACT Visual Motor Speed component, adding further doubt to the relative discriminant validity, and hence the content validity, of the Impact Reaction Time composite score. While our results do replicate the modest correlation between the ImPACT Visual and Verbal Memory composite scores, we were not able to replicate their modest-to-strong correlations between traditional neuropsychological tests and the ImPACT Visual Memory or ImPACT Reaction Time composites. Regarding the Verbal Memory composite score’s convergent validity with other measures of verbal learning, in the MTMM, the Verbal Memory composite score was found to be unrelated to the HVLT-R Total Recall score, but moderately significantly correlated to the BVMT-R Total Recall score, indicating both poor convergent and discriminative validity with respect to traditional tests of the respective learning domains. Trainers and health care professionals working in athletic settings must diagnose and manage the 1.6–3.8 million sport-related concussions occurring in the United States annually (Broglio, Ferrara, Macciocchi, Baumgartner, & Elliott, 2007). We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The ImPACT Impulse Control composite score loads strongly on Component 6, and appears to have relatively good specificity, as there are only weak loadings across almost all other neuropsychological tests. Notes: Yellow = Significant Monotrait-Monomethod correlations; Red = Significant Monotrait-Heteromethod correlations; Light Blue = Nonsignificant Heterotrait-Heteromethod correlations; Darker Blue = Significant Heterotrait-Heteromethod correlations that are outside of the above four categories but can be seen as correlations share cognitive properties; Green = Unpredicted significant correlations. The authors reported moderate correlations between the relevant traditional composite scores and ImPACT Visual Motor Speed, Verbal Memory, and Reaction Time, scores; with particularly high correlations between Visual Memory measures. Although participants were supervised by an experimenter at all times during the ImPACT session, it may be that variables such as the group format or examiner presence resulted in biased test performances. There is a great relationship between reliability and validity. To understand the basics of test reliability, think of a bathroom scale that gave you drastically different readings every time you stepped on it regardless of … CNI scores were independent of agentic overclaiming (r=.02). Convergent and discriminant validity of ...., Learn 24 semantically similar target and non-target words, then indicate whether presented word is target word, Remember symbol number pairings and match number to given symbol, Distractor: Click numbers 1–25 in backward order, Test: Recall three letters presented before distractor, Learn 24 target and non-target designs, then indicate if presented design is target or non-target, Distractor: Press “Q” for blue square and “P” for red circle, Test; then indicate location of highlighted X’s and O’s presented before distractor, Determine whether color-related word is written in same color ink as the color the word describes, Visual processing, learning and memory, and visual motor response speed, A measure of errors on testing and for determination of test validity, Attention, learning, and memory within the verbal domain, Visual attention and scanning, learning, and memory. Further, the ImPACT Verbal Memory Composite score demonstrated poor validity as a measure of attention and verbal learning. Most early validity theory was located within a realist philosophy of science1 and in terms of educational measurement couched within the highly scientific discourse of psychological testing,grounded as it was in a positivistic epistemology.During this time validity was conceived of as It is the principle that measures of theoretically similar constructs should be highly intercorrelated. María Teresa Frías, ... Mario Mikulincer, in Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs, 2015, Evidence of convergent validity of the SSS with the ECR insecurity scales fits with anxious individuals’ previously documented ambivalence and attempts to induce a relationship partner to pay more attention and provide better care (see Mikulincer & Shaver, 2009). With regard to convergent validity within the Processing Speed domain, three traditional neuropsychological measures, Symbol Search (r = 0.39, p < 0.01) and Coding (r = 0.40, p < 0.01) and Trails A (r = 0.33, p < 0.01) were significantly correlated with ImPACT Visual Motor composite score. ImPACT was chosen for this comparison because it has emerged as one of the more popular and widely used computerized systems in post-concussion assessment (Guerriero, Proctor, Mannix, & Meehan, 2012). However, Component 4’s strong loadings on tests associated with memory span capacity (Digits Forward [0.833]) and working memory (Digits Backward [0.730]; Digit Sequencing [0.458]) suggests that it has poor specificity as a test of pure reaction time and might be better thought of as a measure of attention and working memory. To minimize the possibility of introducing bias due to heterogeneity across published normative samples, raw test scores were used to compute partial correlations, using age as a covariate. Of the ImPACT Composites, Component 1 has the strongest loadings on the Visual Motor Speed composite score (0.682) and the Reaction Time Composite score (−0.527), suggesting that Component 1 may be best defined as a measure of visuomotor speed, with the emphasis on speed. Each test of relations between measures reflects on the validity of both the measures and the theory driving the test. People help because they are truly compassionate. With regard to discriminant validity within the ImPACT domain scores, it was perhaps appropriately, significantly correlated with the ImPACT Visual Motor Speed composite. It is also notable that although the descriptor, “learning and memory” in the test explanation was not limited to tests of visual learning and memory, the Visual Motor Speed Composite score was also unexpectedly significantly correlated with the HVLT-R Delayed Recall score. Discriminant validity evidence is reported in Rogers et al. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. The convergent validity assume that the measures perform as expected according to the degree of agreement or disagreement between. Reality related continuing process intangible and hypothetical variables used to explore the relationship between measures. Composite was weakly negatively correlated with ImPACT Visual Memory any research program must untangle these complex and! And psychology between unrelated traits ( Hayashi, 1987 ) be low, providing evidence of discriminant validity a! 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