This opening and closing of the stomata must be looked upon as having a direct bearing only on the emission of watery ~vapour. The opening and closing of the stomata is the result of variation in the turgidity 01 their guard cells, which is immediately affected by the condition of turgidity of the cells of the epidermis contiguous to them. Other Resource Types ( 411 ) Lesson Planet. The leader stopped and faced her, his buddies closing in behind her. "Of course not," she said, closing her book and placing it on the table beside her chair. 4. So much is at stake in writing a conclusion. Goethe's grandsons have been so repeatedly accused of having dis p layed a dog-in-the-manger temper in closing the Goethehaus to the public and the Goethe archives to research, that the charge has almost universally come to be regarded as proven. The fundamental idea of Soxhlet's method for sterilizing milk is to boil it for forty minutes in small bottles holding just enough for one meal, and closing the same with an impervious stopper, which is only removed just before use. Critical thinking is required! The valves are hydroscopic, responding to increase in the amount of moisture in the atmosphere by closing the apertures. We never hurried people out of the Magic Box like that, even if it was past closing time. On the zith of January 29 B.C. She replayed the home videos, closing her eyes and focusing. The last writer who, though not a political utilitarian, may be regarded as belonging to the school of Mill is Henry Sidgwick, whose elaborate Methods of Ethics (1874) may be regarded as closing this line of thought. But something like two centuries elapsed before the book reached its present form, for in the closing chapter, as well as elsewhere, e.g. There is much in the newspapers about closing the saloons and dance halls and even taking away the slot machines. A cycle starts with a beginning, then moves on to several consecutive functions, and finally finishes, before beginning all over again. 250+88 sentence examples: 1. Making a patient suffer is the worst crime. angles to the long axis of the body. A language of the last chapters is significantly different from the writing style at the beginning of the book, the plot changes throughout the story taking new directions, and there is no slang words closer to the end while they appear frequently at the beginning.”. Thus during the ' closing years of last and the opening years of the present century, political life in Austria was at a low ebb and the constitution was observed in the letter rather than in spirit. Settlement days fall on Thursday, and the closing prices on the preceding Monday are taken as the basis of the settlement. In the closing hours of his first session, in spite of strenuous efforts to prevent it, Sumner delivered (Aug. As the stones are thrown on the days of the fair, it is not unlikely that they have something to do with the old Arab mode of closing a sale by the purchaser throwing a stone (Biruni, p. 328). To help you find the right words when you need them here are 20 great expressions for closing an email. Days now closing in with fiery sunsets arriving early. 5 Successful Ways How to End a Personal Statement. The closing date for entries is 1 November 2004. During the closing ceremony, the Chief Scout promised to send a strong contingent to the 21st World Scout Jamboree. In case a writer inserted a quotation at the beginning of the introduction, he/she must find one more similar quotation. In deep water the closing mechanism is usually actuated by a screw propeller which begins to work when the line is being hauled in and can be set so as to close the waterbottle in a very few fathoms. He left, closing the ill-fitting door behind him. Sir Robert Wilson with 4000 Portuguese from Salamanca, and a Spanish force under Venegas (25,000) from Carolina, were to co-operate and occupy Joseph, by closing upon Madrid. 4. Strahan (Smith's publisher) in which he gave an account of the closing scenes of his friend's life and expressed warm admiration for his character. An opposite tendency was that of the Aphthartodocetae or Phantasiastae, represented by Julian, bishop of Halicarnassus, and, in his closing days, by Justinian. Thus ii AB, BC, CD represent the given loads, in the force-diagram, we construct the sides corresponding to OA, OB, OC, OD in the funicular; we then draw the closing line of the funicular polygon, and a parallel OE to it in the force diagram. Do not forget about the opportunity to order an affordable essay from the academic company online. This action means a limitation of human rights, a negative impact on the country’s economy, and a potential threat to people who suffer from problems with the nervous system.”, EXAMPLE #2 The memories were closing in on him again. In regard to the poem which forms the third and closing chapter of the present book of Habakkuk, there is much more general agreement. It appears also that it was this same Dom Perignon who first used cork as a material for closing wine bottles. Young adolescents spend hours in front of their PCs and laptops. He's closing the case, and the open case on her husband's fall as well. For the closing scenes at Jerusalem St Luke makes considerable additions to St Mark's narrative: he gives a different account of the Last Supper, and he adds the trial before Herod and the incident of the penitent robber. The memories were closing in on him again. Down to the closing decades of the 19th century hydraulic power was practically the only system available for working cranes from a power station. Childcare also plays a role in meeting other key objectives, including boosting productivity and closing the gender pay gap. The closing of the French market to Sicilian produce, the devastation wrought by the phylloxera and the decrease of the sulphur trade had combined to produce in Sicily a discontent of which Socialist agitators took advantage to organize the workmen of the towns and the peasants of the country into groups known as fasci. shoo the bird away, which meant she was climbing away from the car instead of closing in on it. The fact is that Numbers is the result of a long literary process of amalgamation both of traditions and of documents, a process that began in the closing decades of the 9th century B.C. Thus Ultramontanism is not to be conceived as a theological movement, but as the programme of a party whose principles are in fundamental opposition to modern culture, modern education, modern tolerance and the modern state - a party which seeks to carry out its campaign against the society of to-day, not by bridging the gulf betwixt creed and creed, but by widening it, by awakening religious fanaticism, and by closing the way to a peaceful co-operation of Catholics and non-Catholics in the highest tasks of culture and human civilization. The palace as we now see it was begun about 1300 by Doge Pietro Gradenigo, who soon after the closing of the great council gave its permanent form to the Venetian constitution. The rest of the plot reflects the myth better than other related shows. The spirit of masculinity plagued many of them. She turned and began pushing them out of the room and closing the door. It may refer to any type of paper. This phrase shows respect and appreciation for the recipient. In the closing months of 1794 Pichegru, at the head of a large and victorious army, invaded the Provinces. The purpose is to take a specific position on the topic. After the fall of Robespierre, Legendre took part in the reactionary movement, undertook the closing of the Jacobin Club, was. In an open space near the old palace stood the celebrated plane tree, beneath which Prince Nicholas gave audience to his subjects, and administered justice until the closing years of the 19th century. The closing keynote address was given by Erno Lehtinen, from the University of Turku, Finland. The Deans entered her quarters, closing the door behind them. I have collected both primary and secondary sources to prove it. He changed into all black and strapped a sword to his back before closing his eyes and envisioning the interior of NOVA Sector. Closing date is a rather ominous Friday the 13th in April. As he was closing the drapes, he glanced outside. It should leave an impression on a reader. He persuaded the Committee of Safety to take upon itself the closing of the Jacobin Club, on the ground that it was an administrative rather than a legislative measure. 31 sentence examples: 1. The city thus formed a long narrow strip along the Tigris, pierced at right angles by the Husur, the waters of which, by closing the great dam in the eastern wall, could be sent round the moats to the N. In the closing years of the reign of Shapur I. Finally on another issue referring again to the closing paragraph of the paper by Fenton et al (1999 ). Before closing the reign of Mahommed Shah note should be taken of a prohibition to import African slaves into Persia, and a commercial treaty with Englandrecorded by Watson as gratifying achievements of the period by British diplomatists. Explore 184 Closing Quotes by authors including Alexander Graham Bell, Matthew McConaughey, and Nipsey Hussle at BrainyQuote. A rhymed poem concluding in free verse can make its point as forcefully as a closing couplet. Look at the English essay conclusion example below. Higher … He died at his home at Blechingdon in Oxfordshire on the 26th of April 1686, closing a career marked by great ability, statesmanship and business capacity, and by conspicuous courage and independence of judgment. 's reign were characterized by restrictive measures as to the reading and use of the Bible. The theme of disguise in The Taming of … Both Steven and his daughter’s teacher are right. Manufacturing enterprise in Argentina, favoured by the protection of a high tariff, made noticeable progress in the national capital during the closing years of the last century, especially in those small industries which commanded a secure market. von Liebig (Ann., 1908, 360, p. 128), from a very complete discussion of triphenyl methane derivatives, concluded that the group i ng A A A was the only true organic chromophore, colour production, however, requiring another condition, usually the closing of a ring. The emperor Nicholas was prepared to accept the views of Great Britain on the Turco-Egyptian question; to allow the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi to lapse; to act henceforth in the Ottoman Empire only in concert with the other powers, in return for an agreement closing the Dardanelles to the war-ships of all nations and to extend the same principle to the Bosporus. By closing Lubeck Valdemar had German trade and the German over-seas settlements entirely at his mercy. Closing your cover letter on a strong note is important because your closing is the last thing that the employer will read before going to your resume. "Very good!" The Shire horse owes its happily-chosen name to Arthur Young's remarks, in the description of his agricultural tours during the closing years of the 18th century, concerning the large Old English Black Horse, " the produce principally of the Shire counties in the heart of England.". In delicate cases, such as seedling gloxinias and begonias, it is best to lift the little seedling on the end of a flattish pointed stick, often cleft at the apex, pressing this into the new soil where the plant is to be placed, and liberating it and closing the earth about it by the aid of a similar stick held in the other hand. The industry suffered depression owing to the indigo riots of 1860 and the emancipation of the peasantry by the Land Act of 1859; but in the closing decade of the century it received a much more disastrous blow from the invention of the German chemists. Cape Town, being in the event of the closing of the Suez Canal on the main route of ships from Europe to the East, is of considerable strategic importance. While the teacher believes that conserving resources by rinsing out paper cup instead of discarding it may save natural resources, the girl’s dad knows about the importance of time as an intangible resource.”, “To conclude, women of the period from 1941 to 1960s changed their roles and image of sexuality successfully without losing their rights. earmarked the funds to cover the costs of its closing most European stores. The metallic clang heard by Miss Stoner was obviously caused by her stepfather hastily closing the door of his safe upon its terrible occupant. The death of Balmaceda finished all cause of contention in Chile, and was the closing act of the most severe and bloodiest struggle that country had ever witnessed. Boy: (Closing eyes tightly) Big red yummy lollipop, big red yummy lollipop, big red yummy lollipop. Further, the naval activity displayed by Sparta during the closing years of the Peloponnesian War abated when Persian subsidies were withdrawn, and the ambitious projects of Lysander led to his disgrace, which was followed by his death at Haliartus in 395. Fabre states that the lastnamed insect uses a stone for the temporary closing of her burrow, and the Peckhams have seen a female Ammophila take a stone between her mandibles and use it as a hammer for pounding down the earth over her finished nest. Another disturbing influence has been the high protective tariffs, adopted during the closing years of the century, which increased the costs of living more rapidly than the wages for labour, and compelled thousands of immigrants to seek employment elsewhere. In practice he is often allowed to exert a certain discretion as to the enforcement of the laws, especially those providing for Sunday closing, and this discretion has sometimes become a source of mischief. These laws deal with truck, employers' liability, contractors' workmen, the recovery of workmen's wages, the hours of closing in shops and merchants' offices, conspiracy amongst trade unionists, and with factories, mines, shipping and seamen.. If the early closing time involves only supplementary hours, then 90 days notice must be given to the PCT. The last thing to observe is how to write a conclusion for an expository essay. Although it had long been suspected that these insects were in some way connected with malaria and other diseases, while that the species now called Stegomyia calopus was the carrier of yellow fever had been asserted by Finlay as early as 1881, it was not until the closing years of the 19th century that the brilliant researches of Ross in India, and of Grassi and others in Italy, directed the attention of the whole civilized world to mosquitoes as the exclusive agents in the dissemination of malarial fever. 3. In his closing years he had some controversy with John Locke, whom he considered to have impugned the doctrine of the Trinity. First, the class analyzes the author's use of a closing sentence and how to create one themselves in a group setting. A close mouth catches no flies. “To conclude, it is impossible to decide whether to buy or to lease a vehicle without checking the available sources of financing. The one great economic change brought about by the decline of the Roman Empire was the lessening of urban life throughout the greater part of Europe, the closing up of avenues of communication and the predominance of isolated agricultural communities. To keep these in check, Gilbert de Clare, during the closing years of the reign of Henry III., built the castle of Caerphilly on the southern edge of this district, in a wide plain between the two rivers. Dean was closing up his desk when Harrigan called. Use a “clincher” to be creative with the closing sentence! As a secondary function we may recognize, in certain cases, the power of closing wounds, which results from the rapid coagulation of exuded latex in contact with the air. The closing has three objectives: (1) to thank the reader for his or her time, (2) to reiterate your interest in the position, and (3) to call for action. 5. Many of them face writer’s block in the beginning. in 1542, and, though the German Protestant princes proved faithless allies, the closing of the Sound against Dutch shipping proved such an effective weapon in King Christian's hand that the Netherlands compelled Charles V. The other source of complaint against Federal activity was the judicially unreviewable power exercised by the Postmaster-General, Mr. Burleson, in closing the mails to journals of which he disapproved. This is, after all, your last chance to persuade your readers to your point of view, to impress yourself upon them as a writer and thinker. superior curbstone of closing in bakelite Seam of the boot reinforced by means of sewn triple. The oral hood with its cirri has a special nerve supply and musculature by which the cirri can be either spread out, or bent inwards so that those of one side may interdigitate with those of the other, thus completely closing the entrance to the mouth. The men of Cadiz compelled the French warships to surrender, and the levies of Andalusia, closing around Dupont, compelled him and some 23,000 men to lay down their arms at Baylen (23rd of July). This year however they redeemed themselves with a splendid closing gala - American Beauty. To prevent the expansion of such problem, it is necessary to limit access to social media.”, “To conclude, the authors stressed that vegetarian diets led to the smaller all-cause type of mortality and with a few declines in cause-specific mortality. By opening and closing the drawers of a a file cabinet interface the user can control both the machines and the projected images. This time, Writer River will provide a brief explanation of the concluding sentence definition and a few examples. She snatched her pillow off the bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. 20 examples: An assessment of the upper limit to the prevalence of this type of family under…. After the closing of the council in 1418, Sigismund, who - Wenceslas being childless - was heir to the Bohemian throne, sent a letter to his brother, which was practically a manifesto addressed to the Bohemian people. This step was the beginning of the troubles which clouded the closing years of Albert's reign. If you're going to bother writing a cover letter at all, make sure you write one employers will actually read. We found 411 reviewed resources for closing sentence example. But the closing years of his reign were marked by an attempt to concentrate all power in his own hands. I'd like to close out my savings account. Examples of closing statements for Early Promotes. in the closing years of the administration. ; cf. Robert Newman remains as gloomy as ever about the Barley Mow pub: ` Usually runs out of real ale before closing time. (question, humor, excitement, or a future thought) For example: Paragraph: Summer weather lets me play outside. The peace set back the boundaries of Russia from the Danube to the Pruth; it secured the free navigation of the first of these rivers; it opened the Black Sea to thy commercial navies of the world, closing it to vessels of war, and forbidding the establishment of arsenals upon its shores. He was the last and the most wilful but perhaps the best of her favourites, and his tragic fate deepened the gloom of her closing years. Persecution was revived by the Guises; Du Bourg, the brave defender of the Protestants, was burned as a heretic; yet Calvin could in the closing years of his life form a cheerful estimate that some three hundred thousand of his countrymen had been won over to his views. Students must keep in mind 3 major differences. The vote closed out the Nervous, she stabbed him harder than she intended to, and Jule groaned, closing his eyes. the teachings of the apologists; (ii.) “Euthanasia should be legalized everywhere. It is possible to find more examples online. Many Anglican bishops (amongst them the archbishop of York and most of his suffragans) felt so doubtful as to the wisdom of such an assembly that they refused to attend it, and Dean Stanley declined to allow Westminster Abbey to be used for the closing service, giving as his reasons the partial character of the assembly, uncertainty as to the effect of its measures and "the presence of prelates not belonging to our Church.". Such essay requires research, but the main goal is to explore and analyze the problem in-depth to describe it in details. Example: Marijuana should be legalized by the US government because it is popular, has widespread abuse that is difficult and expensive to police, and would be a profitable market to tax. My paper proves that euthanasia is moral and ethical as the healthcare professionals help patients to get rid of the endless suffering by letting them die.”, “My position is 100% correct. His advocacy of temperance had much to do with securing the passing of the Forbes Mackenzie Act, which secured Sunday closing and shortened hours of sale for Scotland. 65 W., closing at full speed on the " Good Hope," and the whole line began to close rapidly on the flagship. The city walls were destroyed in the closing years of the 19th century and the stone used to build government offices. The war was very unpopular in Denmark, and the closing of the Sound against foreign shipping, in order to starve out Sweden, had exasperated the maritime powers and all the Baltic states. Early Promote Closings. Researchers looked for a condition known as angiographic restenosis, which is the narrowing or closing of an artery that has undergone angioplasty. Bone sampling must be carried out immediately prior to closing the bone container. While abundant warning of the caving-in of the workings is thus given in advance it may happen that men are unexpectedly imprisoned by the closing of the main passage ways. took no action either way for six or seven years, and then instituted a quiet but thorough system of suppression, closing monophysite churches and imprisoning their bishops and priests. Arthur Smith Woodward sums up the question in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, closing with this sentence: "If we accept the confirmatory evidence afforded by Mr Spencer Moore, we can hardly refuse to believe that this ground-sloth was kept and fed by an early race of men.". At seventeen he was a captain of dragoons, and saw some service in the closing campaign of the Seven Years' War. He'd lost her in life; he wasn't going to risk losing her in his dreams. ravening horde of evil Mordor Orcs are now rapidly closing the distance between themselves, Eowyn and her valiant defenders. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. She pushed her door open and scanned the room before entering and closing it fast. The closing years of the Judaean kingdom and the final destruction of the temple (586 B.C.) It is thrown into the literary form 2 of a letter from Paul to his lieutenant Timothy, but, as the closing salutation indicates (vi. Closing date 22nd June; no tickets on the door. The book concludes with a brief notice of the closing years of the heroine. With the drying up of this channel and the closing of Sandwich harbour in the 16th century, the present marshlands or level to the south and west of the isle were left. He forced them into her hand, closing her fingers. Before the work of the congress was completed Napoleon was again at Paris, and the closing stages were hurried and illconsidered. At this point the client exits, thereby closing its transport endpoint. The students work with a Peanut Butter Jelly Partner and do Transitions often. Letter Closing Examples The following are letter closings that are appropriate for business and employment-related letters. selection committee will not confine its considerations to those who apply by the closing date. The Deans entered her quarters, closing the door behind them. You were supposed to marry Claire … She went on, closing her eyes as she repeated everything from the memories of others. In the closing years of the 19th century and the early years of the 10th the charges brought against the state assumed a more and more definite character. mortice latch, measure the distance from the closing edge of the door to the far edge of the latch. If someone is searching for a book or article to read, he or she will decide from the very beginning whether this work is worth attention. The former had united the Jacobins and the more violent members of the Convention in their club, the Socit du Pantheon; and their fusion, after the closing of the club, with the the zesecret society of the Babouvists lent formidable publicanstrength to this party, with which Barras was secretly ~7ats in league. “My attitudes have greatly shaped after this study. Such questions put the subject in the context of the bigger issue. Sir David Brewster modified his apparatus by moving the object-box and closing the end of the tube by a lens of short focus which forms images of distant objects at the distance of distinct vision. Rutherfurd's photographs of the Pleiades in 1866 entitle him to rank as a pioneer in the use of the camera as an instrument of precision; and he secured at Cordoba 1400 negatives of southern starclusters, the reduction of which occupied the closing years of his life. It has many differences with the original legend but is understandable for students. Then a local builder's merchant built a hall on the far side, closing up the open view across the pit. The closing years of the Whig government were marked by external complications. The, expansion of commerce which resulted from the Fourth Crusade soon made itself evident in the city by a rapid development in its architecture and by a decided strengthening of the commercial aristocracy, which eventually led to the great constitutional reform - the closing of the Maggior Consiglio in 1296, whereby Venice became a rigid oligarchy. The large predominance of imports over exports after 1884 was a result of the falling off of the export trade in live stock, olive oil and wine, on account of the closing of the French market, while the importation of corn from Russia and the Balkan States increased considerably. “According to the U.S. Department of Justice, human sex trafficking is closely related to cybercrime today as both are usually the results of progressive modern technologies. More questionable was Josephs policy in closing and confiscating the property of 213 of the richer monasteries of the land. of He attempted to promote trade and restore prosperity customs laws and other measures, and particularly by to the construction of canals to counteract the damage done to Belgian commerce by the closing of the Scheldt. Hancock, Gratiolet and others to be connected with the opening and closing of the valves, or with their attachment to or movements upon the peduncle. In short, the government, whatever criticism might be levelled at its methods, had accomplished a notable work, and when on the 6th of June 1909 the Cortes adjourned, its position seemed to be assured. A great cover letter closing allows you to sign off with grace and professionalism. He feared reaching out, in case she slid through his fingers like smoke. “The epic TV series known as “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys,” is the best start in the process of learning Roman and Greek mythology. While the teacher believes that conserving resources by rinsing out paper cup instead of discarding it may save natural resources, the girl’s dad knows about the importance of time as an intangible resource.”, “I have analyzed the given piece of literature to prove that the author uses ghostwriting services. Closing it behind her, she moved into the cool moist air. "No matter at all, my dear count," she said, meekly closing her eyes. nice surprise for the closing song rescues the second half. A concluding sentence can be used to give an overview of the main points of the paragraph. We recommend involving a paraphrased thesis statement and adding a powerful hook sentence to attract the reader’s attention again and leave an unforgettable impression. "Sweet," he whispered, closing his eyes to savor her. Sincerely yours. September will soon be upon us so get ready for the closing party shenanigans! The sound of a door closing and muffled voices outside the door were followed by silence. They serve various purposes in the economy of the flower, often closing the way to the honey-secreting part of the flower to small insects, whose visits would be useless for purposes of pollination. With extreme trepidation, I complied, closing the door behind me. The advance was carried out with precision; the Russians were quickly dislodged, and Ney was now closing upon the rear of Blucher's corps at the village of Preititz. pit-threads whIch traverse the closing membrane of the pits in the FIG. The larynx is raised, closing the glottis, which is then covered by the epiglottis, preventing food entering the trachea. Avoiding pollen There may be some useful things you could do, from closing windows to going abroad, or even wearing special spectacles. They should summarize the arguments involved in the body paragraphs to provide supporting evidence for the major premise. Conclusion — it is a short closing paragraph where you have to thank your audience for reading. circumstantial clause closing an episode, see Andersen, Sentence, p.81. He approached, closing the distance between them with a few slow strides. “To conclude, women of the period from 1941 to 1960s changed their roles and image of sexuality successfully without losing their rights. The people above nearly colliding into the closing years of his life became of importance earmarked funds! Her, she stabbed him harder than she intended to, and saw some service in the paragraphs. The academic company online and strapped a sword to his back before closing her eyes, she moved the... Bloody closing education in Europe come up with essay conclusion examples and useful tips help! Katie 's questioning look, and the German over-seas settlements entirely at his mercy beautiful! Message means that the campaign had gone heavily against them closing alehouses and to. 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