Soon, the word "property" was deleted. Mr. Duterte’s appointment of a consultative committee led by the highly esteemed former chief justice Reynato Puno with diverse, and it seems independent, members is a reasonable compromise, and should be hugely … That would help control the problem of tax money being raised by one set of politicians (the feds) and handed out by another set (the states), which merely whets the electorate’s appetite for more government than it is willing to pay for in taxes. The Constitution of Serbia states its terms for being amended between Articles 203 to 205 under "Part 9: Amending The Constitution" within the document. The Constitution, as we all know, is an amendable document - every part of it can be amended - except one. Feb. 12, 2013 -- The Constitution has held the United States government together for more than 200 years with remarkably few changes – there have been only 27 ratified amendments in … Indeed, the U.S. Constitution has been amended only 27 times—a testament to just how difficult the process is. THE LIBERAL USA TODAY | December 03 2004 LOS ANGELES — Abolishing slavery. Welcome to, a personal blog site with a policy focus. The state legislators may propose a constitutional amendment. Mr. Levinargues that amendments are needed because the nation has entered an age of “post-constitutional soft tyranny” — as defined by the great … The drafters of the Indian constitution paid heed to Frankfurter's advice. Like me, this site is wonkish, reform-minded, patriotic, and optimistic. We’re going to keep flailing around. I want a Supreme Court that will be bold from time to time, as in Brown v. Board of Education, and, yes, Roe v. Wade. The U.S. Constitution: Time to update, to ensure a functioning government It's been 80 years since our last major readjustment of government, … Law, when it emerged in the great ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, was a "tool of government." The very difficulty of amending the Constitution greatly increases the importance of Supreme Court decisions interpreting the Constitution, because reversal of the Court's decision by amendment is unlikely except in cases when the public's disagreement is intense and close to unanimous. at 3 percent of total federal outlays. One of the inspirations for the Constitution of India, drafted between 1947 and 1950, was the U.S. Constitution. Sai baba till 2027! To date, Congress has submitted 33 amendments, 27 of which were ratified by the states. Some Members of Parliament do not think so. Although thousands of amendments have been discussed since the original document was approved in 1788, there are now only 27 amendments in the Constitution. Both amendments would be a help in terms of limiting public debt and forcing voters to prioritize. I think it is important because that way if a law or rule does not work out the way it should have, or problems come up, you can change it to better fit the needs of the people. Should the Constitution be amended to allow Presidents to claim themselves the victors of an election despite the vote? Cheers! And maybe that’s not a bad thing? The procedure of amendment in the constitution is laid down in Part XX (Article 368) of the Constitution of India.This procedure ensures the sanctity of the Constitution of India and keeps a check on arbitrary power of the Parliament of India. The first issue is why do we have to amend our Constitution? In his characteristically gracious closing remarks, Michael McConnell noted the incongruity: for all the present discontent with the state of James Madison’s state there doesn’t seem to be a lot of enthusiasm for any particular amendment. About six-in-ten women (63%) say the Constitution should be amended so the candidate with the most votes wins the presidency, compared with 52% of men. Thomas Jefferson suggested that every generation of Americans should draft its own version to meet the particularities of its time. The U.S. Constitution is very difficult to change and, thanks to a religious American sensibility that treats it as a sacral document, it has simply not evolved… India's land reforms went through — partially — helping a newly independent democracy, the world's largest, move beyond feudalism. Both countries support critical traditions that focus on particular clauses of the constitution. Should these amendments be signed into law? The Constitution of India suffers from the converse flaw; in less than 75 years, it has been amended, at last count, 103 times. The Indian and U.S. supreme courts both enjoy the power of judicial review, to declare acts of other branches of government illegitimate, and so a measure of "supremacy" over their respective legislative branches. We should be thinking about how the Constitution will address ours." Greve jokes, ‘The Constitution isn’t perfect, but it’s a lot better than what we have now.’. It provided a way for the people to alter the constitution itself. That was how Thomas Reed Powell of the Harvard Law School characterized the U.S. Supreme Court's reversal of its rulings in this domain in the face of President Franklin Roosevelt's threat to place additional judges, more sympathetic to his legislative initiatives, on the Supreme Court. > What U.S. constitutional amendment would you like to see? Constitutions should be changed as often as their subjects want to change them, to bring about the results they want for their political community. Even though the Serbian constitution can be amended, this has never happened even once ever since the document was adopted and implemented in 2006 when Montenegro declared its independence from Serbia after an independence referendum was won. Such a demystified, pragmatic view of law suggests legal constitutions are technologies for governing, designed and implemented to bring about socially negotiated outcomes. Alaska See also: Article XIII of the Alaska Constitution and Laws governing ballot measures in Alaska The Alaska Constitution can be amended in the following two ways: . But only in ways that force us to follow the Constitution we already have.’. Mitchell, you really should learn to not assume. In 1947, Justice Felix Frankfurter wrote to a member of India's drafting committee, Sir Benegal Narsing Rau, advising him to delete references to "the due process of law" from the working draft of the Constitution of India. Op-ed: Those who oppose originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution are not “rewriting history.” The gardener respects his plants by tending to them, not letting them grow unchecked. Honestly I've begin to realize the importance of Buhari, see how all sectors are getting better, despite the financial crisis inflicted by the covid pandemic. The 14th Amendment provides that, “No state shall … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Black lives matter because our Constitution … Most posts are about current U.S. policy debates — health care, budget, tax reform — but I’ve also devoted a whole section to the important topic of American renewal. Critics argue the country would benefit from a constitutional overhaul, or at least an update, but lament the arduous path to amending it. There was disagreement over precisely how difficult or easy it should be to change the Constitution; but almost nobody argued that change should not be possible. McConnell stares down the barrel of Trump's gun, With 1 candidate in self-isolation, the Georgia GOP watch party is a low-key affair, The influential Confucian philosopher you've never heard of, How Cold War rivalry helped launch the Chinese computer. Just no easy ones. But seriously, since we’re brainstorming about silver-bullet fixes, here’s my own suggestion. I like both. The UK has an un-codified constitution, or in other words, it is not found in one single written document, like in the USA. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! There are simple answers. The truth is that Buhari is doing very well in all sectors of the economy, don't mind some IPOBs trying to paint him bad. Why the Constitution should not be amended. Greve suggests, and I agree, that it’s because we don’t agree on what ails us. In his new book, Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution, John Paul Stevens argues for amending the Constitution to promote democracy and rights. There have been over 11,000 attempts to amend the US Constitution since it was ratified in 1788. UmuEri:. The other way to amend the nation’s founding document—a constitutional convention initiated by two-thirds of state legislatures—has never happened. This article was originally published by Aeon, a digital magazine for ideas and culture. …. {edit/add} The Challenge may be either to vacate or modify the original decision. What amendments to the U.S. Constitution, if any, would you like to see? Have Democrats stumbled onto a recipe for winning in the South? Amendments to the Constitution should not be updated or changed. Such judicial intervention, likely in the name of "due process," would threaten India's post-independence progress toward the eventual realization of a republic that ensured the wellbeing of all its citizens. Should the Constitution Be Amended? Imagine the family conversations when those bills start arriving. News, author interviews, critics' picks and more. Article V of the U.S. Constitution, which very briefly lays out the (extremely demanding) procedures for amending the Constitution, establishes one constitutional provision that can never be amended. I spent 11 years standing in the defense of liberty The six-year term that congressmen have said they want is an early indication of why using a Con-ass to amend the Constitution puts what’s best for the rest of us at risk. Justice Frankfurter's logic was simple. An amended Constitution should clarify, in broad terms, how the United States should unify national defense and homeland security. Nothing could be more inconsistent with the conception of the living Constitution than an unamendable amendment or an amendment authorizing unamendable amendments and which by its own terms is unamendable. How often, and how, should they change? An Indian landlord equipped with a copy of the American due process clause might expect to find the new Indian Supreme Court willing to stand by him and, as the U.S. Supreme Court first tried to do with the New Deal, thwart the democratic reforms of the legislature. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Every constitution offers a particular set of solutions to a social, economic, and cultural context. Politics, in other words, compelled a historic constitutional transformation. It’s hard to settle on a solution when you haven’t agreed on the problem. Moreover, to prevent the broad interpretation of "liberty" that the U.S. Supreme Court had shown in Lochner v. New York, when it had struck down minimum-wage legislation, "liberty" was qualified as "personal liberty" — not corporate. People should! Changes (amendment) to the US Constitution can bring far-reaching and unanticipated effects, or, (as with the 16th amendment) may not so directly a Continue Reading the amendment process is designed to provide stability during times when the States (or, the general populace among the States) may become fiercely (that is, evenly) divided of politic/opinion. Americans pride themselves on their pragmatic and innovative nature; that self-image should suggest that the all-American thing to do is to desacralize the U.S. Constitution, remove it from the pulpit, and put it in its place, a toolbox of governance, there to be used and modified to — as the U.S. framers of the Constitution put it — "make a more perfect union.". In 1947, as India looked ahead to its nascent republic status, its new Constituent Assembly planned extensive land reforms. Subscribe today for less than $2 an issue. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t do much to address rogue courts or … If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The amendment’s effects. Follow him at or on twitter @deanclancy. The lone proposal to garner a two-thirds majority was the actual Equal Rights Amendment that cratered back when. To become The body of the constitution can be amended many times but its spirit needs no amendment but understanding. The Week magazine tells you all you need to know about everything that matters. Moreover, if constitutions are tools for governance, then they simply must change over time, through trial and error. Follow them on Twitter at @aeonmag. Third, an … America prides itself with a leader of The “Anti-Commandeering Rule” (Amend the Supremacy Clause of Article VI) This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be … How flexible should constitutions be? Bush’s proposals echoed conservative radio personality Mark Levin, who published “The Liberty Amendments“ in 2013. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t do much to address rogue courts or lawmakers who simply ignore the Constitution. In other words, avoid fundamental changes. 1. This gives us a third option. But history offers some guidance. The other way to limit a constitutional power is, of course, to amend the Constitution. Jefferson calculated, using actuarial tables, how often this should be: 19 years. The U.S. and Indian constitutions diverge in their "stability" or "flexibility." Kenya’s constitution, which was amended pursuant to the National Accord, and Colombia’s 1991 Constitution, which was amended pursuant to the Final Peace Agreement with the FARC . Giving women the vote. Levin proposed a baker’s dozen of amendments including term limits for congressmen and judges; a balanced budget amendment; a redefinition of the commerce clause; greater congressional oversight of the regulatory power; and (my favorite) the repeal of the 17th Amendment, among others.We should welcome renewe… Politics Why It Is Highly Unlikely That the Constitution Can Be Amended Before 2022 11 min read. The Constitution of the United States is constantly at the center of political discourse and heated debate. So the answer seems to be: ‘Yes, we should amend the Constitution. So why change the Constitution? Are we witnessing the fall of the United States? Should the Constitution be amended for Arnold? The history of the Indian state and constitution includes a pragmatic American influence, with which the U.S. would now benefit from being reacquainted. The first version of the due process clause in the Constitution of India had read: "Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, and property without due process of law." Note: The Supreme Court has effectively ratified the ERA already, through judicial precedents. Then our minds will be concentrated. We’ll keep trying to live with the ‘living’ Constitution, and keep stumbling from crisis to crisis, and piling up constitutional violations, until a true emergency looms. In a previous column, I said I have no objection allowing President Aquino another term by amending the Constitution if that will prevent Vice President Jejomar Binay from becoming president. Realistically, of course, we’re not going to follow the Constitution. Finally, Article 21 of the Constitution of India read: "No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law." A bunch of ideas were thrown out. Generally, there are valid reasons why a constitution should not be very easily amended. The jugular issue is: should we or should we not? A related critique is that the Charter’s amendments should not include a supremacy clause as in Article 79. Case in point: the 18th amendment, which prohibited alcohol, only to have the amendment itself prohibited by the 21st amendment. From Greve’s account, it sounds as if most if not all of the gathered experts agreed that it should. With the approach of May 25, the anniversary of beginning of the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, we should think about how it could be better. Once we allow any of the Amendments to be tampered with in any way, we lose our Constitutional rights. (Can be accomplished by federal law - 2 U.S. Code 2a - Reapportionment of Representatives; time and manner; existing decennial census figures as … Government, institutions and law are in place to serve the people not the land. Is a written constitution — unlike the unwritten British one — an invitation to the political polarities of instability or stasis? I’d take either or both. But not everyone agrees the U.S. Constitution should be so cherished that it’s untouchable. There is no simple answer to these questions. Chairman, Senate Committee on Drugs, Narcotics, Anti-Corruption and Financial Crimes, Senator Sola Akinyede, yesterday gave reasons why the 1999 Constitution must be amended. Of course, it should … If “The Liberty Amendments” can help foster a national debate about which corrective actions, including constitutional amendments, are needed to increase liberty and prosperity… It establishes Australia as a federation under a constitutional monarchy and outlines the structure and powers of the federal executive government, legislature and judiciary. When it was ratified in 1789, the U.S. Constitution didn’t just institute a government by the people. A poll shows that a majority of Americans think the First Amendment is outdated and should be revised. The second clause, would allow States to challenge any Supreme Court decision. For answers, one might look at the US Constitution as a perfect example. Japan must render money, sweat, and blood for the preservation of peace in the world. Amending the Constitution is a rare and daunting task. Constitution seem clear: it needs to be amended so that the constitutionality of the SDF is af³rmed without reservations. Watson’s constitutional amendment proved consequential, working as intended. Independence Mall. Should the UK constitution remain un-codified? The level of infrastructural development embarked so far by Mr President is unprecedented. But how? Over at Law and Liberty, federalism expert Michael Greve proposes two constitutional amendments aimed at reining in out-of-control government in a firm but not-too-rigid way. In India, Article 356, which allows for the suspension of state legislative assemblies to permit "direct rule by the center," has provoked considerable critique, while in the U.S., the Second Amendment is a source of perpetual political and legal discord. A written constitution provides clarity and definiteness By A.C. Grayling A state has a constitution, whether it is written or unwritten. Though its framers knew the Constitution would have to be amended, they also knew it should never be amended … —Dean. However, if you are interested, I tend to oppose laws against Flag desecration. Depending on the histories and needs of their "parent societies," different kinds of constitutions come about, generating histories of political, legal, and economic evolution, and being altered by them in turn. After congressional pay rose 44 percent in the three years prior to the amendment’s ratification, it has since gone down 23 percent in the 25 years after, adjusted for inflation. The legislature's social welfare programs were responses to the needs of an economically desperate polity; the court answered by reasserting the needs of the "business class" and the "haves." By Richard Rahn - August 28, 2013 Email Print Comments What amendments to the U.S. Constitution, if any, would you … The Constitution should be amended to require at least a three-fifths majority on all Senate votes. Such antidemocratic inclinations were arrested only by the "switch in time that saved nine." The first issue is why do we have to amend our Constitution? Please they should amend that constitution. The Constitution of Australia (or Australian Constitution) is a written constitution that is the supreme law of Australia. It takes a great deal of time to adopt an amendment. So we’ll hit a wall. The amendment would provide legal action against sex discrimination for both men and women. In 223 years under the Constitution, we have amended it only twenty-seven times. That’s why, ethnic parties need to win victory in ethnic areas.” That’s why, ethnic parties need to win victory in ethnic areas.” Friday, November 06, 2020 This is also a good reason for Republicans to support Cohen’s pardon amendment. Why should geographical boundaries have a "weight" on something as important as an election? Just In: The Constitution Should Be Amended To Allow Buhari Go For Third Term - Politics (2) - Nairaland Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Just In: The Constitution Should Be Amended … There is one part of the Constitution - and only one part - that its authors felt was so important that it could never be We need to rewrite the constitution if it cannot be amended. Why We Should Amend The Constitution To Restrict The President’s Power To Pardon Reining in the power of the executive, ever so slightly, might not be the worst idea. Philadelphia, PA 19106. In fact, ours derives from a number of sources, some written, and others universally accepted such as the ever growing amount of practical case laws. Greve’s first proposed amendment would create a ‘deficit tax.’ Uncle Sam would be required to send each American a bill automatically each year for his or her share of the annual federal deficit. The histories of the U.S. and Indian constitutions show two related political and legal systems evolving over time, their variations underwritten by their country's historical experiences. Amending the Constitution to make it easier to amend might never de-politicize the courts, but it would shift more of the political battle away from them, which is a good thing. An amended Constitution should clarify, in broad terms, how the United States should unify national defense and homeland security. It will give the government the options to remove, change or alter, any Amendments they deem necessary for the protection of national security. One of the ways that the Constitution is changed is through the amendment process.It can be an arduous process, requiring agreement by many different segments of society and the government, and it does not always work out.But it is the only way to make a permanent change to the Constitution. 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