And Margaret is associated with “the Dragon,” because Satan in the form of a dragon had tried to eat her, but her cross irritated his tummy, so he disgorged her and Margaret was put to death. With this short introduction to the key players of our performance, let’s examine each phase of this live-streamed rite. It is also a dark echo of the three faces of the pagan moon goddess: the virgin/maiden (in white), the harlot/mother (in red and often pregnant), and the crone/widow (an old woman dressed in black). Other revealing facts about Hecate include: Yet Hecate had other, more revealing titles, and these names are the subject of interest for the time being: 1) Hecate-Phosphoros (“The Light Bearer” [recalling another powerful underworld spirit whose original name was Lucifer, “the light bearer”]); and 2) Hecate-Propylaia (“The One Who Guards the Gate”) as appears her jobs for Epstein included. Why would a statue of the god of destruction Shiva be placed in front of CERN? The Goat Man, the Antichrist, will enslave mankind using his own lusts as a key. There was a Satanic Ceremonial Grand Opening of the largest tunnel in the world and it’s close to CERN. At midnight, Hecate’s devotees would leave food offerings at intersections for the goddess (Hecate’s Supper) and, once deposited, quickly exit without turning around or looking back. To trick the Devil, who expected to receive the soul of the first man to pass the bridge, the people of Uri sent across a dog by throwing a piece of bread, and the dog was promptly torn to pieces by the Devil. This bizarre, ritualistic, occult ceremony was performed on June 1st, 2016 in order to dedicate the Gotthard Railroad Tunnel located in Switzerland. This text is both fascinating and illuminating when compared to the words of Christ in Matthew 16:17–18: “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona [son of Jonah]…thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew’s unusual choice of words connecting the rock upon which the church would be built, the name of Jonah, and the gates of hell is not a coincidence. Halloween Asteroid: Are The CIA Plotting Staged Asteroid Attack? See Anything weird Lately ?? WITH COUNTDOWN TO “THE MESSENGER” IN SIGHT, NEW US CONGRESS OPENS WITH ‘BLASPHEMOUS’ PRAYER TO HINDU DEITY BRAHMA, THE MESSENGER IS COMING… IT WILL BE VISIBLE BY 2025… And, As Prophesied, A “Christian Purge” Is Set To Accompany It. The Goat Man is waiting to rise, and Switzerland’s ritual tells us that unregenerate mankind will welcome him when he emerges from the pit. Enraged at having been tricked the Devil went to fetch a large rock to smash the bridge, but, carrying the rock back to the bridge, he came across a holy man who “scolded him” (der ihn bescholten) and forced him to drop the rock, which could still be seen on the path below Göschenen. Known as “the trendle” or “the frying pan,” it is roughly rectangular in shape, and may be an Iron Age burial ground. See more ideas about particle accelerator, large hadron collider, higgs boson. She painted a message on this wall with animal blood, stylizing “G” as “6” (Saturn is the 6th planet), and “Q” as the symbol of Saturn’s astrology sign Capricorn. Once this “opening” is achieved, the miners strip off their orange jumpsuit attire (males only at this point, who are now bare-chested) and take up “arms”; that is, they use staves to perform a dance routine that looks like warfare. reports:  While some suggest he was set on this track of thinking by his parents who want him to be ambitious, maybe he has an intuition about the strangeness of CERN. LOL.. EVERYTHING It's a SHOW. Cern to turn on hadron collider in 2021 New and existing members - please take the time to familiarise yourself with the Forum Rules and Guidelines, thanks! The convention establishing CERN was ratified on 29 September 1954 by 12 countries in Western Europe. Following this invocation of the triple-goddess, the shepherd aroused the horned man, who strutted into the scene (complete with eerie red lighting and smoke—like he’d risen from the Abyss), accompanied by his hellish friends—many engaged in ritualistic sex and homosexual poses. It has been nearly a year since the bizarre opening event, but the story lives on today. First, an alleged mock human sacrifice took place in front of CERN (in front of the Shiva, the destroyer statue). Remember the Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony ?? These strange “Cousin It” types creep alongside a long line of musicians who bear Alpine horns. Cernunnos alternates control of the world with the moon goddess Danu (another form of Diana/Isis/Semiramis). Nine is another occult signature number. The Devil requested to receive the first thing to pass the bridge in exchange for his help. Now, why would I even care about pagan triple goddesses, if my topic for this entry is about a tunnel beneath an Alpine pass? The video ended with the person filming crying out and running away. It goes well beyond “art” and should be considered an abomination by the Swiss people and others who attended that day. Bodio’s “southern portal” provided the visiting dignitaries a disturbing parade of miners, erotic dancers, zombies, fallen angels, and a gay love-fest, all obeying the call of the “shepherd,” whose yodels invoke the appearance of the event’s infernal master of ceremonies, the “Goat Man.” Portrayed by a young and energetic dancing male, this creature is shown with a Baphomet headdress (a goat demon’s head) and a goat body costume (hairy pelt) with a formal tuxedo over top. This gigantic chalk figure bears a knobbed club in his right hand, and his left arm is extended as if he carries something. The triple goddess and the horned god, along with human sacrifice and a return to pagan worship, lie at the center of this nauseating ritual play. Barbara is associated with a tower, because her father shut her up in one to keep her from the world whilst he arranged her marriage to his pagan buddy. Check out the links below: Satanic Opening of Worlds Largest Tunnel Gotthard Base Tunnel near CERN … Here’s a look at … The Bethen were venerated especially in the presence of trees, wells and stones. Marina has a history of being obsessed with the same symbols. So, let’s unpack the imagery within that occult dance, beginning with a call to unite the religions of the world by conducting an “interfaith” blessing of the tunnel beside a statue of St. Barbara (the patron saint of miners). As with many pagan pantheons, the king then dies (remember that the “horned man” is a type of rising/dying god, and many of these deities [once dead] are replaced by a child [Osiris/Horus, Nimrod/Tammuz are examples]). More than likely, this tongue position represents sexual lust (outside of God’s design) and sex-magic (fornicating with fallen angels), which is probably the real reason that old Krampus can’t keep his tongue inside his head. She is the Whore of Babylon, ruling a world of imprisoned humanity: Note the horned figure just behind the Whore dancer. This bizarre opening ceremony cost Switzerland eight million euros to stage—a ridiculous amount considering the economic crisis facing nearly every nation of this bloc. Housed in the Alps are also the dens of many demons. The video shows several people dressed in black cloaks surrounding a statue of the Hindu deity Shiva and apparently stabbing a woman in a human sacrifice. Consider all that I write below about the Gotthard Base Tunnel, its connection to CERN, and the elaborate rituals performed to beckon gods of darkness from the underworld. The second ceremony, indoors, was viewed by a smaller group of dignitaries and was, if possible, even more outré. Other theorists suggest CERN is being used as a portal to allow Satan to return to Earth. It’s clear that the strange mashup of Alpine with Middle Eastern traditions is intended to show an international revelry welcoming the risen “god” from the Abyss. The CERN ritual hoax is a found footage video that depicts a supposed occult ritual occurring in the grounds of CERN, a European particle physics research organization. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. As the dignitaries settled into their comfortable bandstand seats, a display lit up, showing what looked like a huge rock mountainside. For what I see it is a modern dance company in orange jump suits. LIKE SHARE and COMMENT BELOW! The tunnel ceremony is all about sex rites and rebirth, leading to a new world order that is a complete reversal of the Judeo/Christian design. "These scenes were filmed on our premises, but without official permission or knowledge," a Cern spokeswoman told AFP in an email. The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual Attended by Europe’s most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. According to Max Laughlin, CERN has destroyed our Universe and we now exist in a completely different one. This Titan earth-mother of the wizards and witches illustrates the triple connection between the sky, earth, and underworld realm of evil supernaturalism. The inhabitants of the earth—all those whose names have not been written in the book of life since the foundation of the world—will be astounded when they see that the beast was, and is not, but is to come (Revelation 17:8, NET, emphasis added). The primary performances took place on a massive outdoor stage in Erstfeld. Besides the stories of Jonah and Christ, the Bible refers to nonhuman entities in subterraneous locations as well, such as “the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates” (Revelation 9:14). It depicts goat symbolism (thought to be a reference to Capricorn), symbolism involving the trapezoid (a 360 degree geometric shape thought to represent a perversion of the 360 degree circle), and other symbolism commonly displayed by the type of powerful individuals you’d find in a fraternal order or secret society. Firpet or Firbet, the name of the third woman on the Leutstetten image, in modern German sounds pretty much like “Fürbitte” (intercession). LOL.. EVERYTHING It's a SHOW. The longest tunnel in the world is not the sole purpose of the rail tunnel. With a circumference of 27 kilometres, LEP was the largest electron-positron accelerator ever built, and excavation of the LEP tunnel was Europe's largest civil-engineering project prior to the Channel Tunnel. "It isn't a coincidence that just a few months back they had this huge occult ceremony when they dedicated this tunnel just a few miles away," said the voiceover. It is 3 squared, which is a hidden 32, and it is 3 x 3, giving us a hidden 33, 3 + 3 = 6, the number of man, and this number added to 3 (6 + 3) gives an inverted 6, turning God’s creation on its head, an act and philosophy central to the “as above, so below” doctrine of the inverted tree of life (which is worshiped at the end of this ceremony). It is a railway tunnel through the Alps in Switzerland. For instance, the book of Ephesus is a study of principalities and powers in “high places” and “powers of the air.” In Nehemiah 9:6, the prophet speaks of more than one heaven: He saw the heavens and the “heaven of heavens.” These are peripheral heavens, or divisions, as Paul refers to in 2 Corinthians 12:2, saying, “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago…[who was] caught up to the third heaven.” As a Pharisee, Paul acknowledged three main “heavens,” which include a domain of air (the kosmos), or height, controlled by Satan. Some particle physics experiments (neutrino detectors, nucleon decay, dark matter searches…) need very low “cosmic radiation” background. Cern says that the ritual could undermine the actual science that goes on at the organisation. Hecate’s devotees celebrated with festivals near Lake Averna in Campania, where the sacred willow groves of the goddess stood, and they communed with the tree spirits (earth spirits, including Hecate, were thought to inhabit trees) and summoned the souls of the dead from the mouths of nearby caves. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. "The official Opening Ceremonies of the Gotthard Base Tunnel was nothing other then a New World Order Satanic Ritual where CERN met the tunnel head on in a bizarre ritual of sex, sex and more sex. Hard evidence that powerful people do in fact still revere or worship Saturn, or Capricorn, or the goat was revealed last year, when Marina Abramovic was exposed inviting the Podestas over for a spirit cooking dinner in the WikiLeaks emails. The tunnel ceremony is all about sex rites and rebirth, leading to a new world order that is a complete reversal of the Judeo/Christian design. > How do you explain the Gotthard Tunnel opening to people who think it was satanic? CERN’s main purpose for building the Collider was too, well it was to open a door way. These are actual images from the tunnel ceremony. As the giant wakens, the dancers perform ritualistic sex rites. WHAT WILL DR. HORN DISCLOSE… AND WHY WILL THIS BE HIS LAST CONFERENCE PRESENTATION? The tunnel complex runs along a 17-mile (27-kilometer) circuit. The Weird Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony One Year Later May 19 2017 (TRUNEWS) On June 1st, 2016, Switzerland unveiled the world’s longest and deepest railroad tunnel with a deeply occultist, satanic ceremony. Symbols aren’t haphazardly placed by powerful people. [v] Eilthireach, “The Bavarian Triple Goddess: A Study of the Cult of the Three Betan,” posted online at (accessed August 24, 2016). TRUMP, PART OF THE SHOW, doesn't rape kids or mu . Speeches by Herwig Schopper (CERN’s Director-General) and Presidents François Mitterrand and Pierre Aubert were followed by an inaugural ceremony, then music and celebrations on the lawn. The ceremonies that have been secretly recorded at CERN show nothing less then all out satanic rituals being performed, but hey, nothing to see here, move along right ? Housed in the Alps are also the dens of many demons. What is this giant’s name? She is dressed in virginal white, and she trails behind the horned Cernunnos, “Goat Man.”. Job 26.5 tells of the Rafa (Rephaim, fallen angels or offspring of such) who writhe “beneath the waters” (Interlinear Hebrew and Young’s Literal Translation). [ix] If true, then this enormous, aroused man may have been a tribute to Hercules, who is often depicted with a great club and the skin of the Nemean lion over his arm. Of course my readers know that Josh Peck and I in the bestselling book Abaddon Ascending wrote extensively regarding the end-game plans for tunneling beneath the earth and smashing atoms to smithereens as nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to open portals, including extensively analyzing the 2016 opening ceremony at Gotthard, which made it very clear to occultists worldwide that the portal at CERN and related sites are intended to release demonic entities. The connection between CERN and ritualistic summoning of a sleeping giant (the “horned god” of Cernunnos or even Melkart—both are types of the rising/dying god, and Melkart “slept” for half the year, which may be why Elijah told the priests of Baal to “call louder,” because he might be sleeping). The Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is the world’s deepest (1.42 miles) and longest tunnel (route length of 35.5 miles with a total of 94.3 miles when all shafts and passages are included). At CERN, we probe the fundamental structure of particles that make up everything around us. Scientists involved in the project say the laboratory was built underground because the Earth’s crust provides protection against radiation. 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The CERNE Abbas Giant, because it is located near a small village called Cerne Abbas, but the connection to Cernunnos and CERN is tantalizing, and the meaning of the word abbas is  “lion”—again connecting the Cernunnos “Green Man” to Hercules/Melkart. The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state-managed European and global connectedness. The idea of a tunnel leading to another dimension, or a black ... and images that were projected on a massive video screen during the ceremony suggest a connection to CERN (e.g. Three virgins who serve as super saints, and a tower, a wheel, and the dragon. History of being obsessed with the interfaith blessing as mentioned earlier one euro on such ceremony. That make up everything around us place of God Entry: https: // ( accessed August 24 2016. Marina has a crap load of Weird symbolism that has little to?. 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